Plugin development

The alexandria3k is structured around plugins that provide access to data sources and data processing functionality. New plugins can be developed and contributed by adding a Python file in the data_sources or processes source code directory. Plugins are made automagically available to the a3k Command line interface and can also be used through the alexandria3k Python user API.

All plugins shall start with a docstring describing the plugin’s functionality.

Data source plugins

To create a new data source plugin you need to perform a number of steps. The employed modules and classes are documented in the Python plugin API. The simplest case involves adding plugins for data available in CSV format (see e.g. the implementations for asjcs, journal_names, doaj, and funder_names). In this case only the following steps are needed.

  • Create the plugin in the src/alexandria3k/data_sources directory.

  • Define the data schema in a tables global variable through the TableMeta and ColumnMeta classes. Use the CsvCursor as the table’s cursor. Unless column values are obtained in order from a CSV file, each column must define a function that will provide its value. Example:

tables = [
            ColumnMeta("replaced", lambda row:
                       row[2] if len(row[2]) else None),
  • Define a URL for fetching the data source, if none is provided, as the global constant DEFAULT_SOURCE. If no such exists, set the constant to None.

  • Define the data source’s class by subclassing the DataSource class. Example (for a single table):

class FunderNames(DataSource):
    def __init__(
        sample=lambda n: True,
            VTSource(table, data_source, sample),
            [table], attach_databases
  • Add a small subset of the data in the tests/data directory.

  • Add unit tests in the tests/data_sources directory.

  • Add a motivating example in the examples directory.

For data sources available in more complex forms you must also define.

  • an SQLite virtual table data source VTSource,

  • a cursor to iterate over the records of each table,

  • and possibly a partitioning scheme to handle interrelated tables that are streamed concurrently (e.g. a work and its authors).

The virtual table and cursor classes are documented in the APSW Virtual Tables chapter. As examples of their use in alexandria3k see the data source modules crossref (this uses compressed containers of JSON files, each containing multiple works), orcid (a compressed tar file containing an XML file for each author), and ror (a single compressed JSON file). All these data sources implement partitioning. In addition, the crossref and orcid data sources implement indexing over partitions that allows efficient sampling by skipping unneeded containers.

Data processing plugins

To create a data processing plugin follow these steps.

  • Create the plugin in the src/alexandria3k/plugins directory.

  • Define the schema of the generated tables in a tables global variable through the TableMeta and ColumnMeta classes. There is not need to define cursors or accessor functions.

  • Define a function named process, which takes as an argument a path to a populated SQLite database, and performs the processing associated with the plugin.

  • Add unit tests in the tests/processes directory.

  • Add a motivating example in the examples directory.