Schema diagrams --------------- The complete schema of a fully-populated database appears below. Opening the image in a separate window will allow you to zoom it. .. figure:: ./schema/all.svg :alt: Complete data schema In addition, direct SQL queries can be performed on each data source's tables. Queries involving multiple scans of the tables (e.g. relational joins) should be performed by directing *alexandria3k* to perform them separately in each partition. This however means that aggregation operations will not work as expected, because they will be run multiple times (once for every partition). Crossref data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Crossref data concern published works, identified through their DOI. .. figure:: ./schema/crossref.svg :alt: Crossref data schema DataCite data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DataCite data concern published data, identified through their DOI. .. figure:: ./schema/datacite.svg :alt: DataCite data schema ORCID data ~~~~~~~~~~ ORCID data concern work authors, identified through their ORCID. .. figure:: ./schema/orcid.svg :alt: ORCID data schema PubMed data ~~~~~~~~~~~ PubMed data concern citations from the biomedical literature also identified through their DOI, .. figure:: ./schema/pubmed.svg :alt: PubMed data schema ROR data ~~~~~~~~ ROR data concern research organizations, identified through their DOI. .. figure:: ./schema/ror.svg :alt: ROR data schema USPTO data ~~~~~~~~~~ USPTO data are the metadata of US Patent Office granted patents. .. figure:: ./schema/uspto.svg :alt: USPTO data schema Other data ~~~~~~~~~~ Other data include journal names, subjects (ASJCS), funders, and open access journals, as well as join tables created through available processing steps. .. figure:: ./schema/other.svg :alt: Other data schema