Development processes --------------------- For software development purposes *alexandria3k* can also be installed and used through its `Github repository `__, rather than as a Python package. .. _installation-1: Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: sh git clone cd alexandra3k/src pipenv install Development environment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Perform the following steps for setting up a virtual environment with the required development dependencies. .. code:: sh # While in alexandria3k/src directory # Install development dependencies pipenv install --dev # Launch a shell in the virtual environment pipenv shell You can then run the command-line version from the source distribution on the top-level directory as follows: .. code:: sh bin/a3k --help Continuous integration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GitHub actions are used for running unit tests, linting, verifying the code's format, as well as building the package and the documentation when a new commit is pushed to GitHub. Before doing so, it's advisable to perform these actions locally, as detailed in the following sections. In addition, testing, formatting, and linting can be easilly configured to be run as a fast Git pre-commit hook by running the following commands at the top-level directory. .. code:: sh printf '#!/bin/sh\nbin/pre-commit\n' >.git/hooks/pre-commit chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit Debugging and logging ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Much of the *alexandria3k* code is executed by means of callbacks through the *SQLite* *apsw* module. This makes it difficult to trace and debug. The liberal use of ``print`` statements is your friend. In addition, *alexandria3k* offers many debug options, which you should be using for troubleshooting. Run ``a3k --help`` to see which options are available. Testing ~~~~~~~ Python unit and integration tests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code:: sh # While in the top-level directory python3 -m unittest discover -s . SQL unit tests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To run SQL unit tests install `rdbunit `__ and the `SQLite `__ command-line tool. .. code:: sh # While in the top-level directory for t in tests/*.rdbu; do rdbunit --database=sqlite $t | sqlite3 ; done Code formatting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: sh # While in the top-level directory find src -name '*.py' | xargs black -l 79 Linting ~~~~~~~ .. code:: sh # While in the top-level directory find src -name '*.py' | xargs python -m pylint --rcfile .pylintrc Plugin documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When data source or processing plugins are added the Python API documentation must be updated as follows. .. code:: sh # While in the top-level directory bin/update-python-api For users on MacOS, this might require installing the `GNU sed `__ package. Application examples documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When new application examples are added in the ``examples`` directory documentation must be updated as follows. .. code:: sh # While in the top-level directory bin/update-app-eg This requires an installed version of `Pandoc `__. Database schema diagrams ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After the database schema has changed, its relational diagrams in the documentation must be updated as follows. .. code:: sh # While in the top-level directory bin/update-schema This requires an installed version of the `GraphViz `__ *dot* command. Building ~~~~~~~~ .. code:: sh # While in the top-level directory hatch build dist/ This will result in built files being placed in the ``dist`` directory. Documentation building ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The process for converting the documentation into HTML and a Unix *man* page is documented in the :doc:`installation instructions `. Adding a new data source ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Adding a new data source to *alexandria3k* involves the addition of a new plugin, as described in :doc:`dev-plugin`.