.. WARNING: Automatically generated file. Do not modify by hand. Application examples ==================== The source distribution ``examples`` directory contains proof-of-concept studies that were conducted with *alexandria3k* as examples of its use. They are structured to use Makefiles based on `simple-rolap `__ for orchestrating the queries (it is installed automatically) and `rdbunit `__ for unit testing them (it needs to be manually installed for running the tests). Running (GNU) ``make`` in a directory will produce the expected results in a ``reports`` sub-directory. Many of the studies can take hours or days to run. When running the scripts on a shared Unix/Linux computer, running *make* as ``nohup nice make`` will log the operation in the file ``nohup.out`` (use ``tail -f nohup.out`` to view it), prevent the command from terminating when a session is disconnected, and decrease the priority of the tasks to minimize their burden on interactive users. When modifying existing studies or creating one ones, run ``make help`` in a study directory to see some potentially useful *make* targets. The `common `__ directory contains Makefile rules for satisfying data dependencies common to more than one study. It also hosts downloaded data sets to minimize useless replication. The ``Makefile`` residing in it can be used to tailor the running of all other studies. The following examples are available. - `“Hello world” example: number of authors by decade `__ - `Tally number of research synthesis studies `__ - `Generate and study the entities’ graph structure `__ - `Examine the evolution and impact of open access journal papers `__ - `Report metrics associated with the Crossref data set `__ - `Report metrics associated with ORCID data `__ - `Report research organization registry metrics `__ - `Obtain data associated with COVID-19 research `__ - `Calculate the 2021 journal impact factor `__ - `Calculate the h5-index of journals `__ - `Calculate the h5-index of software engineering research venues `__ - `Calculate h5-index of persons and study their citation graph `__ - `Calculate relative yearly author productivity `__ - `Calculate the average size of an article’s pages each year `__ - `Calculate the works’ CD-5 index using the Python API or a pre-populated database `__ - `Investigate the CD-5 index of Dan Tawfik’s works `__ - `Fully-indexed Crossref database sample `__ - `Top five US Patent Office applications by country and year `__ - `Replicate study on software used in PubMed articles `__ Published results ----------------- The following queries have been used to publish derived figures and tables. - `Yearly availability of Crossref elements `__ derived from - `crossref-standalone/yearly-abstracts.sql `__ - `graph/yearly-work-subjects.sql `__ - `graph/yearly-work-funders.sql `__ - `graph/yearly-work-links.sql `__ - `graph/yearly-work-references.sql `__ - `graph/yearly-work-authors.sql `__ - `graph/yearly-authors-orcid.sql `__ - `graph/yearly-author-affiliations.sql `__ - `graph/yearly-references-doi.sql `__ - `graph/yearly-funders-doi.sql `__ - `graph/yearly-funder-awards.sql `__ - `Number and properties of Crossref records `__ derived from `graph/metrics.sql <./graph/metrics.sql>`__ - `Number of ORCID records `__ derived from `graph/metrics.sql <./graph/metrics.sql>`__ - `Evolution of scientific publishing metrics in the post-WW2 period `__ derived from - `graph/yearly-authors-per-work.sql `__ - `author-productivity/author-productivity.sql `__ - `graph/yearly-works.sql `__ - `open-access/yearly-oa-journal-works.sql `__ - `graph/yearly-citations-per-paper.sql `__ - `graph/yearly-references-per-paper.sql `__ - `crossref-standalone/yearly-journals.sql `__ - `yearly-numpages/yearly-numpages.sql `__ - `graph/yearly-proportion-of-cited-papers.sql `__ - `graph/yearly-2y-impact-factor.sql `__ - `graph/yearly-20y-impact-factor.sql `__ - `cdindex/yearly-cdindex.sql `__ - `Number of research synthesis studies published each year in the period 1971–2021 `__ derived from `research-synthesis/a3k-queries/research-synthesis.sql <./research-synthesis/a3k-queries/research-synthesis.sql>`__ - `Evolution of subject coverage and publications 1945–2021 `__ derived from `graph/general-field-publications-list.sql <./graph/general-field-publications-list.sql>`__ - `Citations from COVID research to COVID research over time `__ derived from `covid/inner-citations.sql <./covid/inner-citations.sql>`__